Going up the Quantum ladder: Qu-bit by Qu-bit

  • April 14, 2023

History is evident of the greatest scientific achievements being the Gifts of War. It always takes a fresh point of view to bring about a revolutionary change, and friends, the world of Quantum Computing is here to offer us an element of unusual novelty!

With the state-of-the-art architectures reaching nanometer regimes, it is safe to say that further dimensional reductions will inadvertently incorporate quantum effects, thanks to the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. To save the day, Quantum Computers can be made capable of maneuvering advanced problem-solving techniques when data-driven techniques need personalization, better accuracy and speed.

Two serially ordered classical bits can represent four states at different times but two serially ordered qubits can represent four states at the same time. This is because qubits are physical systems like electronic spin or photonic orientation because of which they exhibit another interesting ensemble property called entanglement which assigns correlation among them.

Such novelty equip quantum computing approaches to revolutionize many fields such as cryptography, machine learning, drug discovery, and optimization. One of the most significant impacts of quantum computing is its potential to break many of the cryptographic protocols currently used to secure our digital communication and transactions. Quantum computers can solve certain mathematical problems, such as factoring large numbers, much faster than classical computers, which could render some of our current encryption methods useless.

In the field of machine learning, quantum computing can significantly speed up the training of certain types of models, such as quantum neural networks. These models can leverage the properties of quantum mechanics to process and analyze data in novel ways, which could lead to breakthroughs in pattern recognition and optimization problems. Data digitization in the field of pharmaceutics and especially drug discovery enables quantum computing to simulate the behavior of molecules and speed up the process of finding new drugs. Quantum simulators can accurately model the behavior of complex chemical systems, which can lead to the discovery of new drugs and materials that are currently impossible to create with classical computers.

Contrary to the popular belief, Quantum Computers stand with classical computers as allies and not as competitors. The Quantum Future exists together with a classical-quantum ‘synergistic’ relationship of computing. Present day quantum computers although being low in dimensionality have shown promise and each day, with emergent technologies refining and creating more tolerant large scale quantum computers, we step closer to a quantum revolution.

With our certification courses in collaboration with IISc Bangalore, we have associated with Amazon Web Services(AWS) to provide access to learners in gaining hands-on experience in quantum programming on real quantum computers, which aims to bring us closer in realizing the Quantum Future.


Bhavna Kandra

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